What is NIS

NIS stands for the Neurological Integration System. It allows a practitioner to search for and correct any disruptions in signaling between your brain and body. Your nervous system is the master controller of all body functions down to the cellular level. Like a symphony conductor, it coordinates all your bodily functions to create a balanced and sustainable state of health. When signaling breakdowns occur between your nervous system and body (due to trauma, stress, infections, and chemical imbalances), symptoms can develop as your nervous system loses communication with organs, muscles, joints, the immune system, hormonal system, etc. NIS practitioners identify these signaling disruptions and facilitate your nervous system to restore electrical and chemical signaling pathways. Since your nervous system makes these corrections, not the practitioner, NIS is 100% accurate and safe.




What Does NIS Treat?

After using NIS for almost 40 years, I’ve been amazed at the broad spectrum of symptoms and conditions it can help. Why is this? There are a few reasons.  First, because the brain and nervous system regulate all function in the body, even down to the cellular level.  Since NIS is able to detect and correct signaling breakdowns in the nervous system it is able to address a variety of symptoms and conditions.  Second is what makes NIS truly unique, which is that the brain, not the practitioners, makes all the corrections. Since the brain understands what is happening in the body at a deep level, this makes NIS a safe and effective modality of care.

Here are just some of the conditions and symptoms I’ve seen improve with NIS:

  • Back and neck pain

  • Sciatic pain

  • Headaches

  • Concussions

  • Dizziness and Vertigo

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Hormonal problems

  • Allergies

  • Visual Problems

  • Extremity pain

  • Gait problems

  • Organ dysfunction

  • Digestive issues

  • Immune dysfunction

  • Cardiac arrythmias 

  • Muscle cramps and tightness

  • Stroke recovery

  • TBI (Traumatic Brain Injuries)

  • ADHD

  • Autism